Welcome! My name is Michael Gilday and I am a Short Track Speedskater from Yellowknife, NWT, Canada. I currently train at the National Training Centre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I've created this blog primarily to let family and friends know about competitions and travel. I also hope to educate a bit about short track and maybe even entertain. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I am Canadian!

Ain't nothing to it but to do it!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

yeah buddy!!!!


Coach Shaner said...

Do it!

Anonymous said...

Hey mike! I hope you get this, because I need some information for you for my school project (You KNOW you're famous when your face is on a poster in a middle school classroom!) I was wanting to know.... How did you train for short-track speedskating? When did you grow and interest in skating? Tell about your team, coach, hometown, and the northwest terriority in general. Please write back!

Anonymous middle school fan in Vermont, USA