Welcome! My name is Michael Gilday and I am a Short Track Speedskater from Yellowknife, NWT, Canada. I currently train at the National Training Centre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I've created this blog primarily to let family and friends know about competitions and travel. I also hope to educate a bit about short track and maybe even entertain. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

By popular demand and continuing with a trend

After receiving a rather straightforward comment this morning from an anonymous poster asking me to update more often, I have decided to oblige Mr./Mrs. Anonymous and write a another blog update. Now since I just updated yesterday about the goings on of training, today will have nothing to do with skating and will somewhat continue my cycling trend. 

Todays post will focus on two ads I came across on two different, but topic related blogs that I read from time to time. The two blogs are BikeSnobNYC and Fatcyclist. Both of these sites are cycling sites and I find them to be quite entertaining. But that isn't the point. I honestly doubt you care about hearing what types of blogs I find interesting. The point is that yesterday I was reading BikeSnobNYC (who happened to have posted about Fatcyclist that day) and noticed a World of Warcraft ad along the side bar. 

For those of you who don't know what World of Warcraft (WOW) is, it is an online role playing game that requires paid monthly subscription and is (in my opinion and the opinion of several of my friends who play it) highly addictive and never ending. It is my opinion that this game consumes people and causes them to disappear into this alter-world for long periods of time with no communication with the real world. But I digress. After finishing with BikeSnobNYC, I checked out Fatcyclist and noticed a similar trend. As I scrolled  down the page to read, I noticed another WOW ad, and then later, another ad that pushed an online gaming site called Perfect World International. This is another site that offers online role playing games. 

What surprised me when I read this was the fact that WOW and others like it were being advertised on a blog that was primarily aimed towards those that are cycling enthusiasts, who I would think, are fairly active people that don't spend there lives in front of a computer screens. For me, this can be explained a few different ways. First, it could be that WOW is losing subscribers and is reaching long and far for new players. Or it could just be that these are randomly generated Google ads, although I was under the impression that Google matched up the type of ads with content, none of which involved online gaming. Or, I guess it could just be that my view is just plain wrong and that more cycling enthusiasts that I thought lead secret double lives online courtesy of one of these games...


Anonymous said...

Thanks, for posting again... i really enjoy reading your blog!

Liam Heath McFarlane said...

Well look at the title of that one site... "fatcyclist.com"! I have no clue what the site actually has on it, but the word fat sticks out as someone who sits playing they're computer all day. Then on occasion takes a bike around the block so that he can brag to everyone else on WOW that he's done something active.

But hey, there are a lot of athletic people that play WOW... For instance I know I used to play... Emphasis on used to. I only ended up playing for about 5 months before I lost interest. But I know some very athletic people that spend their time playing that game. I remember when I played Shani Davis played along side me... And there's no arguing how athletic he is!

It is addictive though... It's hard to get out of I think for most people. But thankfully I think people are losing interest in it. Unfortunately, I heard that they might be bringing out a Starcraft type of WOW... I'm boned, if that happens.

Anyways, it's just advertising. Plus it's good advertising - not for the company but for you... Don't you get money from them every time someone knew clicks on the link from your site. That's where it's at man! Maybe YOU should investigate into getting it on YOUR blog GDAY?!

But then ofcourse I'd lose a ton of respect for you. I'd place you down there with all those scientologists.

The heck!? David Beckham is one...? Oh well I didn't like the guy anyways.

Anonymous said...

When thinking about how much time you spend in front of a computer screen, do you count all the time you watch the Tour online sir?


Liam Heath McFarlane said...

Haha, well put DGraf! I'd actually bet his time spent on the comp is similar to that of an average WoW player...

Anonymous said...

Good to see your blog back - thought you'd gone into hibernation...

Anonymous said...

The secret to not getting chubby while playing lots of video and computer games is not to snack and drink loads of soda at the same time!!
